Monday, March 14, 2011

expo reflection!

  In our expo discussion our group was talking about hy people fear police and how we can make people not fear the police cause if they do they will fear police more than they do and they will let police controll them because they think that they have more power than others.Our expo discussion went preety well because we all went in a circle discussing our groups area of focus.I am mostly proud of my group because we made an excellent progress on how we started with our first discussion to know how we can take it to a much more advanced level.what our group needs to improve is taking louder and maybe explaining our self more clearly so the people who participate in our discussion can understand what were talking about. 

just because im mexian!

Just because im mexican dosent mean im a beaner,dosent mean im a wetbag, and dosent mean im a drunkie,
just because im mexican dosent mean i dont care about my culture.
dosent mean im a gangmember, dosent mean im poor,
just beacuse im mexican dosent mean im i cant be smarter than others,dosent mean i cant be i cant go to college,and get a good carrer.
dosent mean  cant be sucesful,and dosent mean i cant achive my my goals.
 just because im mexican 
 why can`t people understand  that we are all the same.
 whats the difference?
  why can we just be a peaceful world?         

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Albertos America

Memories will last forever.

You and i live in a world where death never stops.

America should be a peaceful country without violence,war,and death

Maybe my dream will come true.......everyone being a family

Even thought you go through rough times.

Reunite in peace with everyone

Inspire others by doing the right choice in life.

Come together like una familia

And never give up because we are all proud americans.


I wear the mask that covers my identity but i only show it when i`m  angry i`m really shy,honest,and friendly but i only wear it so my friends wont offend me.  I only wear the mask when i need to use it so my friends will accept me and wont refuse me.I get depressed and lonely.The barriers are stopping me from gaining strength. I know i can i`m sure i can break free from these chains.but i know i can i`m sure i can drops these barriers to gain more strength. but you wouldn`t like  me to switch my mask because i can be a violent person. but I only wear the mask so they wont offend me.                                                           

college for all essay!

     Hello,my name is Alberto Pena and live in 25th ave a.k.a Jingle Town in Oakland.I am a good friend that could keep all your secrets and be an honest person to you.My family is a very together and we do everything together and we have allot of fun because we like going to allot of places together.about me, i am a very friendly and could get along with anyone that i meet. but sometimes i can`t get along with people with people because they don`t respect me or they treat me unfair.My community can be dangerous ,scary,and very loud.sometimes  i`m even scared to go outside because i have to watch all my surroundings. or they can also start problems with me again for no reason. But comparing me to my community i`m very different.i face a lot of problems in the family,school,and in my community.My first issue i face in my family is i sometimes fight with my brothers physically or most of the time we just argue for a long time. or sometimes even my mom gets involve in it but she just wants to stop it.and i feel very bad about myself because we shouldn't be fighting because were brothers and we shouldn't be fighting instead we should support each other to do our best. and also by supporting each other we could achieve many things.My second issue at school. Sometimes i could be negative because i think to myself i can`t accomplish nothing.and also sometimes i feel disrespected because students go through your backpack when sometimes you could have personal things in there. and when i think again i think i shouldn't be negative because i wont accomplish anything,Another thing  i face at school  is i`m scared people will judge me for who i am.but i should ignore all that and  keep encouraging myself.My last and third issue is in my community.My community can be dangerous sometimes because i hear gunshots.One day that i was walking from school to my house and these people told me" do you live hear?"and told them i did because i was wearing a dodger blue they told me to watch my back.because i answered rudely to them when they were talking to in a bad way too.since then i`m a little scared to walk by myself. also in my community you could hear people fighting and screaming.and i think in my head what are people going through right now? But to overcome these barriers and issues like this is important to ignore everything or do something about i always think positive instead of negative and i always persevere and try hard to avoid these problems Especially my mom because she always there for me when i need her in my life when i face problems,